Ozark Valley Bison Ranch, LLC
In 2003, Rod and Cindy fulfilled a long time dream and purchased a 200 acre farm in a small valley within the Ozark Mountains of Northcentral Arkansas. Although both had degrees in animal science and years of experience in dealing with domestic, wild, and exotic zoological animals, the prospect of having their own land to raise animals had previously been elusive. While the farm had been in existence since the early 1800's, it has been deserted for over 30 years, was in disarray, and no longer suitable for animals. A farm that originally contained 120 acres of crop/pasture land and 80 acres of woodland had been reduced to about 18 acres of deteriorated hay fields.
Over the course of 12 years, the land was slowly reclaimed. This required removal of trees, many over 30 inches in diameter, and brush from the previously existing hay fields and pasture. Reclaiming also required removal of miles of deteriorated and rusted barb wire throughout the property. Working full time while trying to reclaim the farm proved challenging and a lengthy process. By 2016, approximately 80 acres had been reclaimed with about 30 acres of pasture fenced and cross-fenced, with the remainder 50 acres cleared and in need of fencing. Approximately 30 acres are planned to be devoted to hay fields. With 30 acres of managed hay fields and 90 acres of managed pasture we anticipate the ability to maintain 40-50 adult bison. We plan initially on a cow-calf operation with a small meat production and sales.
We formed the Ozark Valley Bison Ranch as a Limited Liability Corporation in the State of Arkansas on October 02, 2016.
In July 2016, we purchased our first 3 yearling heifers from Sandy Springs Farm in Oklahoma and in August a yearling bull of the 747 bloodline from the KC Buffalo Company in Northern Missouri. Two heifer calves were purchased with a bison handling system from the Back Forty Bison Ranch. From there, in December 2016, we obtained an additional 6 yearling heifers from Elkhead Ranch (Nebraska Bison), 3 yearling heifers from Ed Dillinger and 3 heifer calves at the Kansas Buffalo Association Auction, and finally a yearling heifer (KC Buffalo) and 3 more heifer calves (2 from Circle 3 Farm and 1 from Back Forty) at the Missouri Bison Association Auction. That brings our staring breeding herd to 20 animals. Many of these animals were reserve grand champions and best of class from the Kansas and Missouri bison show. Unfortunately, because they are all young animals, we do not expect any babies until the spring of 2018.
All of our initial breeding animals have been selected for their genetic background/heritage as well as confirmation and overall health to establish a solid genetic backbone of Plains Bison breeding stock.
All of our animals are raised without any hormones, steroids, antibiotics (other than therapeutic), or GMO (genetically modified) feeds. Our animals are raised in a healthy humane environment in full compliance with the rigid requirements to be Animal Welfare Approved.
Visitors to our farm are welcome but are strongly encouraged to call ahead. For overnight visits or stays, see us on AirBnB